Vulnerability Scanning

Need Robust Cloud Vulnerability Scan Data To Identify Risks Faster?
Automate Your Cybersecurity Posture With vRx.

Does your business lack visibility? Automate the discovery, prioritization, and mitigation of unknown vulnerabilities and exploits with vRx. It is a cloud-based vulnerability management system that distributes mitigations for threats in your applications, operating systems, infrastructures, and Docker containers.

What Is Vulnerability Scanning? 

Vulnerability scanning involves identifying possible weaknesses in systems or the software that runs them. It is a necessary element of a vulnerability management program that has as its ultimate goal the security of an organization against breaches and the leakage of sensitive data.

Assessments gauge security readiness and minimize risk, making vulnerability scanning a critical component of your cybersecurity toolbox.
With vRx’s vulnerability scanner, you can identify and create an inventory of all systems connected to your network. This essentially means that for each device identified. The tool also tries to identify its operating system and the type of software installed on it.
As you create an inventory, the tool performs a scan of each item against a database of known exploits. It then gives you a comprehensive list of all the systems on your network, highlighting any potential vulnerabilities that need to be addressed ASAP. 

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Enjoy The Same Level Of Security As Big Banks And Governments All Over The World, Without The Hassle or Expense.

Ensure Your Cloud Platform Investment Delivers More Value

Vulnerability scanning and testing are necessary to mitigate your organization’s security risks. Topia’s vulnerability scanner makes it easy to identify the weaknesses in your systems, playing an essential role in reducing the attack surface that criminals can exploit. This allows you to focus your security efforts on areas that are the most vulnerable and most likely to be attacked.
Furthermore, vulnerability scans can be helpful in routinely auditing IP address ranges to determine if unauthorized services are exposed or duplicate IP addresses are used.

Vulnerability Scanning – Made Easy With vRx

vRx deploys several different techniques to elicit a response from targeted assets. The scanner then analyzes the reactions of the assets and compares them to a database to assign risk ratings (severity levels) based on the results.


You can use vRx to scan every network port and detect and identify password breaches and suspicious applications and services. It also sends notifications prompting you to update software or apply security patches and service packs, identify malware and coding flaws, and monitor remote access.

Why Leverage Vulnerability Scans With TOPIA? 

Vulnerabilities exist in every type of organization. Several new ones are being discovered regularly or can be introduced through system changes as a result of discoveries.

A criminal uses automated tools to find and exploit known vulnerabilities, allowing them to access unencrypted systems, networks, or data. They can do this very quickly using state-of-the-art automated tools: the attacks are cheap, easy to run, and do not discriminate between big businesses and small.
For an attacker to gain access to your network, all it takes is one vulnerability.
Applying security patches to fix these security vulnerabilities is essential. If you fail to update your operating systems, software, firmware, and firmware to the latest versions as they are released, you continue to have exploitable vulnerabilities in your environment.

vRx can help you find these issues fast so you can fix them stat, ensuring round-the-clock protection of your systems and data from anyone looking to steal them.

Vulnerability Scanning And Penetration Testing –What’s The Difference  

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires both penetration testing (also known as “pen testing”) and vulnerability scanning. Still, there is often confusion about the differences between the two services.
Security professionals typically perform penetration tests, while vulnerability scans are usually automated. A penetration test exploits weaknesses in the architecture of your IT network to determine to what degree a malicious attacker can gain access to your assets. Meanwhile, a vulnerability scan identifies potential vulnerabilities in your systems and reports them.

Consider this analogy: A vulnerability scan is like checking a door to determine whether it is unlocked, then stopping at the door. The penetration test includes more than simply checking if the door is unlocked; it involves opening the door and entering.

What Does vRx’s Vulnerability Scan Test? 

An automated vulnerability scanning tool can detect open ports and typical software applications running on those ports.
This audit examines whether there are any problems with the configuration of those services and if they follow best practices, such as TLS 1.2 or higher and strong encryption. We can generate a report detailing the vulnerabilities found using the vulnerability scan result. Your business can then take action based on the information found in the report to improve its security posture. 

You Can Count On vRx To Carefully Scan A Range Of Assets

These include:

Safeguard Your People & Processes On The Cloud, The vRx Way!

Your cloud security shouldn’t be an afterthought. We realize that many organizations don’t have the resources to hire in-house vulnerability assessment experts. That’s why we built vRx to give you the power to keep track of activity and assets on the cloud in real-time.
Collaboration with vRx provides five significant benefits, among which vulnerability scans are one. We offer a cloud-based vulnerability management system that protects your data and keeps it safe from cyber predators. Besides virtual patching, vulnerability management system hardening and remediation are other benefits of management systems. 

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