Development Manager Module
The Challenge
Do you ever need to develop simple applications to run on remote systems, but decide it will probably cost more than it’s worth, and so struggle on doing things manually? Do you want to customize some of the standard functions of Sysgem products to meet the specific needs of your own organization?
The Solution
The Sysgem Development Manager (SDeM) is a licensed module in the Sysgem family of products. It provides instant GUI displays, supports multi-platform scripts that are held and maintained in a single central location, and is fully authenticated using Sysgem’s challenge / response authentication procedures. It allows security control over the access and use of applications developed within the SEM environment, and provides full audit logging of all transactions conducted with any such applications. It makes ODBC procedures available to access databases with ease and conformity. In addition, it enables you to access a wealth of callable procedures from Sysgem’s Perl libraries, including thousands of lines of code that provide example implementations of system management tasks.
Key Features and Benefits
With SDeM you can:
Customize any of the standard prepackaged modules in the Sysgem Enterprise Manager family of products – such as those for system management, security monitoring and management, and account management -all with remarkable ease!
Build your own client / server applications with minimal effort. The client GUI runs on Windows Vista/XP/2003/2000/NT and the target server machines are typically Windows 2003/2000/NT, UNIX/Linux, OpenVMS, OS/400, etc.
Formalize some of your existing NT Perl scripts / UNIX shell scripts / OpenVMS DCL scripts / OS/400 CL and REXX scripts, and permanently make them available with GUI interfaces to a group of users under strict access control and audit logging.
Maintain an archive of your development history, so you can revert to a previous generation, or compare or include sections of code from earlier versions of your software.
Use the GUI form editor within SDeM to quickly and easily create end-user GUI applications.
Easily control access to your specific customer functions by categorizing SEM users into access groups.
Call SEM’s audit logging procedures to record the use of your customer-specific applications. Transaction logging information is held chronologically as an integral part of the SEM audit and accounting database.
Free Development Manager Software Demo Download
Call 1-800-275-6321 now for more information, or download a free, 30-day Development Manager software demonstration today.
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